Статистика ВК сообщества "/his/"

『T H I R D R O M E』

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Лучшие посты

"The printing press allows me to spread dangerous misinformation."

17 1 ER 1.5318
"This new land I shall Vinland. Compared to the frozen shores of Greenland its a dump, to make sure no one ever finds it I think I will not tell anyone and then just die for no reason"

"An excellent plan, Gigachaþðrson"

32 5 ER 1.4387
"Jesus of Nazareth: Arrested. Executed. Source: Legio X Fretensis"

"I'm back. Trust the plan"

15 0 ER 0.7105
"You will never be a monarch
You will never have serfs pledge alliegance to you
You will never collect taxes from the estates
You will never fool anyone you have a divine right to rule
Your inbred genes and powdered wigs are a dead give-away and no amount of pomp can hide this"

17 2 ER 0.7189
Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

12 1 ER 0.3931
>Nanjing massacre? Never heard of that.
>but i enjoyed the chinese girls

10 1 ER 0.3508
P. S. Хз, показалось забавным, что на фочане обсуждают Галковского
P. P. S. Мобильный вк шакалит качество сука, сорян

10 5 ER 0.3514
reporter: Michael Collins just died

de Valera: he just died? wow. I didn't know that, you're telling me now for the first time. ✋😔🤚 he led an AMAZING life. what else can you say? he was an amazing man whether you agreed or not. actually sad to hear that, I am sad to hear that

2 0 ER 0.1921