Статистика ВК сообщества "all cats are grey"

these scars that never heal and the clarity that allows you to feel

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I know you miss me. I miss myself too.
I guess you'll see me at shows and I will never miss a chance to say hello. But if you really missed me half as much as you say you do you would've called me on the phone and asked what's new. Our friendships good as dead and the worst part is you knew.

25 0 ER 2.0691
никогда здесь не было политических тем, но сложно молчать тогда, когда утро начинается со взрывов

1 33 ER 1.6710
никакой ненависти друг к другу. я знаю, что все мои русские друзья здравомыслящие люди, некоторые подписаны на это сообщество

1 6 ER 1.2533
за последние пару дней очень много людей отписались. я верю, что остались мирные и адекватные люди. люблю

0 9 ER 1.2402
всегда буду помнить мою многодетную и самую маленькую кошку

0 5 ER 1.0442
большое желание наконец покинуть эту социальную сеть

1 6 ER 0.8355
and our hearts have all been beaten and bruised and we're all pretty fucking confused and I'm always prepared to lose I'll explain it all to you through alcohol and bad tattoos If I talk and I laugh too loud It's 'cause I'm trying to forget I'm sad because these things can get pretty bad But I'd like to believe that somewhere I'll find someone who's going nowhere and we'll go there, and we'll go there somewhere I'll find someone who's going nowhere and we'll go there, and we'll go there together

16 0 ER 0.8007