Статистика ВК сообщества "ayy lmao"

Количество постов 27 767
Частота постов 4 часа 11 минут
ER 39.49
Нет на рекламных биржах

Графики роста подписчиков

Лучшие посты

f*ck terraria
all my homies are playing starbound

160 18 ER 1.1617
Tired of soggy socks? Try this, it's even sand proof!

95 24 ER 0.6470
Stop the Vegan Plague. For the sake of climate change!!

46 6 ER 0.4832
I sympathize with everyone who has encountered...🥺

27 6 ER 0.4095
Whoever invented fake png backgrounds is going to hell

13 3 ER 0.2768
How did I just realize this (its bad quality, i know)

16 5 ER 0.2790
14 Year old Edgy girls vs 14 Year old Gigachad boys.

41 15 ER 0.3052

23 8 ER 0.2193
you never know who's on the other side of the computer

24 3 ER 0.1814
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

6 1 ER 0.1638