Статистика ВК сообщества "RT"

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Лучшие посты

Belgrade residents denounce NATO in support of Russia

61 63 ER 1.9865
Hundreds of demonstrators in the German capital took part in a motorcade denouncing discrimination against the Russian-speaking community in the country. The participants decorated their cars with signs saying ‘Stop hating Russians.’

60 27 ER 1.4151
The house of a neo-nazi leader discovered in Berdyansk, Ukraine

109 120 ER 1.7315
Aircraft fly over Moscow in Z formation for V-Day rehearsal

52 48 ER 1.1853
Russia's 'Malka' destroys Ukrainian artillery units

38 39 ER 1.0857
‘If Putin is a criminal, then we are 10 times worse’ – Italian reporter after visiting Donbass

77 89 ER 1.4410
Hundreds join rally against Russophobia in Stuttgart

49 88 ER 1.1873
Russia's Su-30SM & Su-35 take out Ukrainian air defense systems

24 42 ER 0.9942
Russian radar station and S-300V anti-aircraft missile complex in action

25 43 ER 0.8522
Beirut locals gather in solidarity with Russia at Moscow's embassy

41 44 ER 0.9840