Статистика ВК сообщества "haunted"


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there’s a difference between being happy and being distracted from sadness

9 1 ER 1.4362
astronomical photographs—
harvard college observatory,
cambridge, 1890 - 1920

6 0 ER 1.1205
my toxic trait is i overthink and break my own heart.

6 0 ER 1.0544
there are two types of tired. one that requires rest, and one that requires peace.

4 0 ER 0.9398
i know people have felt this sorrow before and will feel this sorrow after. all of this has been said a thousand times before me and will be said after.

1 2 ER 0.9361
nothing i crave more than intimacy,
nothing i fear more than intimacy.

7 0 ER 0.8158
i really cannot believe how nasty i can be when provoked by the right person. it’s sensational.

8 0 ER 0.7605
i still catch myself feeling sad about things that don’t matter anymore

4 0 ER 0.6492
not gonna lie i’m actually really sad and i kinda wanna die but it’s ok

1 0 ER 0.5547
your poets? dead. your history? secret. your darlings? killed. you? probably not straight

4 0 ER 0.6043