Статистика ВК сообщества "l'amour tue"

you're the builder of your life
Количество постов 811
Частота постов 114 часов 40 минут
ER 62.65
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Лучшие посты

— It's normal to feel unstable. It's OK to separate. It's OK to hide from the world. This is normal, we need help. It's okay to be abnormal. Your mental illness is not a personal failure.

Don't let your struggle become your identity.

Of all the things I've lost, I miss you the most.

Mark Twain

4 2 ER 1.3056
— beauty does not cause love, but love makes us see beauty.

Lev Tolstoy

1 1 ER 0.4691
— everything that is most important to me in the world is now in this bed...

2 1 ER 0.4105
— sometimes a moment is enough to forget life, and sometimes life is not enough to forget a moment.

Jim Morrison

2 1 ER 0.3956
— It doesn't matter what you feel in your heart... If you can't convey these feelings to another person, they are useless.

2 1 ER 0.2150
— do not try to remake your loved ones! a person will not change according to your will - he will only begin to dodge, pretend and lie. so it's easier and easier. and change - no, never.

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