Статистика ВК сообщества "Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei"

With any belief or religion you may have, we can unite to fight against oppression

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📝 The Islamic Republic of Iran has proven that when dangers arise for its friends, Iran takes risks and helps its friends.

1 7 ER 1.5246
📝Iran & Venezuela’s successful experiences prove “resistance” is only way to confront US’s pressures

7 0 ER 1.4845
📝 We continue to stand by Palestine

The usurping enemy is becoming weaker, while Palestinian Resistance is becoming stronger. There is no power or strength except from God. We continue to stand by Palestine. [August 11, 2022]


1 3 ER 0.8144
📝 #NATO is a dangerous entity

NATO is a dangerous entity. The West is totally opposed to a strong, independent #Russia. If the way is opened for NATO, it will recognize no limits. If it hadn’t been stopped in Ukraine, it would have later started a similar war in Crimea.

5 6 ER 0.9430
📝 The liars in Europe and the US who make extravagant claims about human rights and who created a commotion on the issue of #Ukraine keep totally silent in the face of all these crimes in #Palestine. [April 29, 2022]


1 2 ER 0.6550
📝 Divine traditions: Reasons behind Arrogant Powers' failure

The enemy has been putting its hopes in our weaknesses and shortcomings over the past four decades, but they've been repeatedly frustrated. Their problem is that they can't understand the reason behind their being frustrated. They have failed to understand that in the human world, in addition to political calculations and contingencies, there are also other calculations and contingencies, and those are the divine traditions.

1 0 ER 0.6153
📝 The main problem in Ukraine crisis

Concerning the issue of #Ukraine, the main problem is that the West is seeking to expand NATO wherever they can without taking anything into consideration.

6 7 ER 0.8195
📝 Cooperation between the two countries should reach a peak

#Iran and #Russia’s long-term cooperation is greatly, deeply beneficial to both countries. You, Mr. Putin, and our President are people who take action and follow up on it. Thus, cooperation between the two countries should reach a peak in this period.

3 3 ER 0.6680
Zionism is an obvious plague for the world of Islam which should be exposed

5 3 ER 0.6219
📝 Enemies of Islam strive to weaken spirituality

The enemies of Muslim nations have undertaken an extensive drive to weaken the bolstering elixir of Islamic spirituality among our nations. The enemies of Islam strive to weaken spirituality by promoting a western lifestyle that is devoid of spirituality and which is rooted in a short-sighted, materialistic vision of the world. [July 5, 2022]


4 0 ER 0.5124