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Ведущими понятиями номера стали искусство и мода, оказавшие наибольшее влияние на мировую культуру. Мы решили следовать правилу "качество превыше количества", поэтому статьи больше похожи на исследования. Кроме того, после громких Фешн-недель мы поразмышляли над тенденциями и выбрали те темы статей, которые являются всепроникающими, современными и смелыми.

Исследуя информацию, мы сами открыли для себя целый мир культуры, который кажется скрытым, поскольку популярная его часть - лишь вершина айсберга. Мы надеемся, что апрельский номер станет вашим билетом в подноготную мира искусства и моды.

И, конечно, обложка журнала была выбрана с идеей усилить представление о моде: яркой, броской и лаконичной. Эта фотосессия выделялась на фоне остальных. Несомненно, она должна была оказаться в номере о моде.

Photographer: Madison Pope @madisonpope.creative
Retoucher: Audra Schwartz @audra.s.editing
Producer: Stacie Buhler @stacieabuhler
Makeup Artist: Vanessa Perkins @everydayglamourhood
Model: Elani Rice @lalaarice
Wardrobe Stylist: Lindsey Dunlap @lindseytruedunlap

1 0 ER 0.3389
Where to find a beauty artist or stylist to work with? Our suggestion is Marika Magazine. When you like a new post, pay attention to the credits that we always write below the photos. You fall in love with a model, and you write to the model to collaborate. You've been amazed by makeup looks and the credits of the artist are here. Don't miss your possible colleagues. 😉

Photographer: Edbert Leomandra @edbertleomandra
Photographer/Art Director: Melvie aurelia @melvieaurelia
Model: Aisha Kastolan @ishakastolan
Model: Jacey Philana @jaceyphilana
Hair Stylist: Vania Jessica @vjehairdo
Hair Stylist: Anggreny Agis @agis.hairdo
Makeup Artist: Goldia Angelia @goldiangeliamua
Retoucher: Maximillian Budihardjo @maximilliangregorius
Wardrobe Stylist: Fitria @fitriarchive
Wardrobe Stylist: Imelda @imelda.co.id
Makeup Artist: April Adjri @apriladjri


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Your mental health is vital, and sometimes you may feel shattered or extremely blue. That's a time when you should think about therapy. But can one go to a psychology specialist when he or she is just sad, feels lonely some of the time or worries about the fate of the last kitten in an animal shelter that no one wants to adopt from some video on the internet? Where is that crucial point indicating you should have therapy? 🤔

Listen to your feelings. If you've started to control emotions badly, your mood is changing quickly, or you're feeling apathy even after complete rest, don't put off the therapist's meeting.

A lack of sleep when you just can't do it, a missing appetite, or an absence of desire to talk with close people may also be conditions you should pay attention to.

It's okay if you can't handle something (even with your own emotions). Just remember that it's not shameful to ask for help from specialists. ❤

Model: Lillian Parham
    IG: lalp99
Makeup Artist: Graham Tyler Makeup
    IG: grahamtylermua
Photographer: Kaci Moran
    IG: kacimoranphotography
Flower Arranger: Antiquerosefloral
    IG: antiquerosefloral
Wardrobe Stylist: Ohh La La
    IG: ohhlaladressrentals
Model: Anna D’annunzio
    IG: annadannunziomodeling
Model: Emily Jo
    IG: that.tall.girl

1 0 ER 0.1907

🌺 We're in the homestretch of spring, which literally abounds with bright news, fuchsia entrances, and vivid events. The world remembered how to live and derive pleasure. Marika team got together and created articles for your good living.

🍀 Inside the May issue, you'll find a desire to experience new horizons, a desire to know more about the world, and a desire to explore your own body. The cover reflects the vibrant concept as well. Moreover, it retranslates the color that step by step captures the fashion world. The magazine contains not only the professionalism of the editors and speakers, but also their personal stories and feelings. The issue is sensual, ours and yours 😉😉😉.

Wardrobe Stylist/
Creative Director: Monica Cargile @monicacargile
Hair Stylist: Matilde Campos @tildebymatilde
Makeup Artist: Brandy Allen @brandyallen
Female Model: Lauren Elyse Forge
[id203992|@ONE] MANAGEMENT @laurenelyse_xo
Nail Artist: Shirlee Ann Kerr
Retoucher: Julia Volgunova

0 0 ER 0.1621

😍We took a break for a month to collect the best submissions for Marika Magazine, to analyze the life of the fashion world at uncertain times, and to present a new magazine in the form of your beloved sarcastic friend who never refuses to discuss ambiguous news.

🤗🌺Yes, the cover has a dark concept that is barely associated with summer, but our idea is to fill the pages of Marika with high-quality fashion and eye-pleasing content. So when it came to the cover, we decided to break a few sunny stereotypes.

☀☀☀️The middle of the summer usually appears with ease, leisurely work, and indicates time you spend only on yourself. That's why we have dedicated the July issue to sunny pastimes, fashion shopping, and ways to keep your mental health safe and sound. When opening the issue, you will find articles that, first of all, are practical. Each text has professional tips, helpful sources, or valuable information. The best part is that you can use it any time, not just in July🌸❤️.

Photographer/ Creative Director: Barutti @barutti_
Wardrobe Stylist: Joram @who1sjoram
Model: Malek Agulet @a.g.u.l.e.t
Wardrobe Stylist: Dwayne Kenzie @___dwaynekenzie

0 0 ER 0.1465
Recently, the MBTI test has become popular. Thanks to this test—a big one, by the way—you can define your psychological type, strengths and weaknesses, how you behave with people, and so on. The key part of it is when you find characters or actors with the same type as yours.

The best way to know yourself is to do psychoanalysis. But how do you find these tests? Do you find them fair enough or even psychological tests can't be done without specialists?

Model: Imogen Phillippo
    IG: imogen.phillippo
Photographer: Edward Howell
    IG: edwardhowellphotography
Model: Sofia Sinatra
    IG: sofiasinatra_
Wardrobe Stylist: Ofeliya Karushkova
    IG: ofeliyakarushkova
Fashion Designer: Pepi Semerdzhieva
    IG: hipcurve
Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Karin Chan
    IG: karin_makeup_london
Accessory Designer: Fatima Shervani
    IG: noor_by_amy

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Nudity is an open art form. We love that passion and purity, which can be seen in such photos. Our rare treasure is Marika Nude, which you can find on the site. Moreover, you can participate and submit your work to future magazines. 😉

Photo: [id170479923|@mihaylova_jpg]
Model: @aireenel_2
Model: @dr.international


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Photoshoot of the hot igneous concept. Shootings with water or fire elements are fascinating in their singularity. Indeed, the duo of a photo team and nature always looks bright. Have you ever worked with such elements?

Creative Directors: Double, Jiating @in9_studio
Art Director: Zhang Hang Xu @in9_studio
Model: Nina
Wardrobe Stylist: Doudou
Photographer: Cheney Tin @cheneyami
Hair Stylist: A Yue


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Models in submitted photoshoots rarely have nothing to do with modeling, although the shoots with them are worthy of being published on magazine covers. These models may be dancers, actors, artists, or just random people that have inspired a photographer. They haven't learned to pose, but still, their photos are incredible. Maybe it's an inborn talent everyone keeps talking about.

IG of  the Photo & VFX Supervisor - CG Artist: yasin.hasanian
IG of the MUA & Hair: mariahbicknellbeauty
IG of the Model: katelynn_dance6
IG of the Choreographer: dance260

0 1 ER 0.1618
While searching for outfit inspiration on Pinterest, we generally go after fashion looks but not style ones. Here, fashion relates to the collective way of thinking, and style is something of an individual.

The first means you follow trends that are relevant today and are going to disappear tomorrow. The second means you choose colors, cuts, and prints that may be from an "out-of-date" collection but definitely suit you. Both have their place to be, and it's only up to you to decide whether to be stylish or in vogue. Which side do you take?

MUA: priscila_mua
Photo: nikoleoncs
Model: nikole.salinas
Stylist: _paulamarie_

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