Статистика ВК сообщества "MUSE"

Hardcore muse fans ha
Количество постов 3 567
Частота постов 176 часов 27 минут
ER 40.08
54.74% 45.26%
21.66% подписчиков от 21 до 24
85.29% 3.09% 1.92% 1.71%
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Лучшие посты


Muse выпустили первую за три года песню под названием WON'T STAND DOWN.

Судя по всему, она станет первым синглом с грядущего альбома

474 115 ER 1.4212
Переиздание к 20-летию альбома Origin of Symmetry под названием XX Anniversary RemiXX

275 52 ER 0.8958
О новой музыке речи не идёт, зато у Криса родился восьмой ребёнок — Duke Buddy Ball Wolstenholme

160 42 ER 0.7307
Когда Muse тизернули новую песню, но не выпустили её

68 4 ER 0.5384
I never believed that I would concede and let someone trample on me
You strung me along, I thought I was strong, but you were just gaslighting me
I've opened my eyes, and counted the lies, and now it is clearer to me
You are just a user, and an abuser, living vicariously

I never believed that I would concede and get myself blown asunder
You strung me along, I thought I was strong, but now you have pushed me under
I've opened my eyes, and counted the lies, now it is clearer to me
You are just a user, and an abuser, and I refuse to take it

Won't stand down
I'm growing stronger
Won't stand down
I'm owned no longer
Won't stand down
You've used me for too long, now die alone

Now I'm coming back, a counterattack, I'm playing you at your own game
I’m cutting you out, a shadow of doubt
Is gonna hang over your name
I've opened my eyes, I see your disguise
I will never see you the same
I know how to win, before you begin
I'll shoot you before you take aim
Now I'm coming back, a counterattack
A psychological war
I'm cutting you in, I'm under your skin
Now I’m gonna settle the score
I've opened my eyes, I see your disguise
I will never see you the same
I know how to win, before you begin
I'll shoot you before you take aim

Won't stand down
I'm growing stronger
Won't stand down
I'm owned no longer
Won't stand down
You've used me for too long, now die alone

120 118 ER 0.7000

Второй сингл с грядущего альбома Will of the People, который выйдет 26 августа.

175 86 ER 0.6659
Новый тизер WON'T STAND DOWN прямом из ТикТока Muse (да)

119 17 ER 0.5115
Теперь официально.

Will of the People — название девятого альбома Muse.

91 15 ER 0.4673

1. Will of the People
2. Compliance
3. Liberation
4. Won’t Stand Down
5. Ghosts (How Can I Move On)
6. You Make Me Feel Like It’s Halloween
7. Kill or Be Killed
8. Verona
9. Euphoria
10. We Are Fucking Fucked

26 августа

126 23 ER 0.5045
Мэтт внезапно поделился сниппетом новой песни в коротком Инстаграм Лайве.

Звучит ТЯЖЕЛО 🤘

152 37 ER 0.5437