Статистика ВК сообщества "Средневековая Кухня Западной Европы"

Medieval cuisine.Beyond the hearth.

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Food and Drink in Antiquity: A Sourcebook: Readings from the Graeco-Roman World
by John F. Donahue

Interest in food and drink as an academic discipline has been growing significantly in recent years. This sourcebook is a unique asset to many courses on food as it offers a thematic approach to eating and drinking in antiquity. For classics courses focusing on ancient social history to introductory courses on the history of food and drink, as well as those offerings with a strong sociological or anthropological approach this volume provides an unparalleled compilation of essential source material. The chronological scope of the excerpts extends from Homer in the Eighth Century BCE to the Roman emperor Constantine in the Fourth Century CE. Each thematic chapter consists of an introduction along with a bibliography of suggested readings. Translated excerpts are then presented accompanied by an explanatory background paragraph identifying the author and context of each passage. Most of the evidence is literary, but additional sources - inscriptional, legal and religious - are also included.

ebook, 310 pages
Published September 7th 2014 by Bloomsbury Academic (first published November 14th 2013)
ISBN1322106274 (ISBN13: 9781322106274)

54 0 ER 2.4936
Arabian Drugs in Medieval Mediterranean Medicine
Author(s): Zohar Amar and Efraim Lev
Series: Edinburgh Studies in Classical Islamic History and Culture

44 1 ER 2.3658
All the king's cooks: the Tudor kitchens of King Henry VIII at Hampton Court Palace

Author(s): King of England Henry VIII;Brears, Peter C. D
Publisher: Souvenir Press, Year: 2011

ISBN: 9780285640238,0285640232The massive kitchens at Hampton Court were built to supply the entire household of Henry VIII. They were the first professional kitchens organised on such a scale. Brears provides a practical guide to their running, dispelling many of the misconceptions about the cooking and eating of meals in Tudor England.

58 0 ER 2.3882
Сезон уже начался и для поддержания настроя выложим-ка фоточку XV шной кухонной команды с фестиваля Энколпион-2021
#средневековаякухнязападнойевропы #medievalcuisine #чадочага #энколпион #энколпион2021 #энколпион21 #XV #историческаярконструкция #reenactment

6 0 ER 1.2654
Книга не только о еде данного региона, но и о связанных с ней областях - сельском хозяйстве, торговле и т.п. Познавательно)

What they ate: food and foodways in Mdina and beyond
From Roman times to the Middle Ages
by George Cassar

This book looks at food and foodways with special focus on Malta. It looks at the Roman, Arabic and Medieval periods in the life of the Maltese Islands. Furthermore it takes Mdina as its departing point as it was the main urban settlement; the other inhabited areas were no more than villages and hamlets. The only other two places that had some socio-political prominence and significance were the Borgo and the Rabat cittadella of Gozo. Yet Mdina remained the city of Malta and the place where the political, religious and social elites lived. It was thus the leader of an otherwise rural population. It was a forward looking and enterprising city when all the casals were conservative and circumscribed. It was from Mdina that the island of Malta was administered through the Universitas which set rules, regulations and directions.

26 0 ER 1.5428
Порой, кулинарные книги преподносят неожиданные сюрпризы. Вот, вроде читаешь перевод, но замыленный глаз проскакивает интереснейшие тонкости кулинарии, стремясь дальше в потоке поиска нужного рецепта. Так, порой, наугад откроешь книгу и глаз споткнется о неожиданную деталь. И снова кусочек пазла тайн средневековой кухни обретет свой слот.

В качестве приправы к пище использовались не только свежие( роза,фиалка, бузина, цветы бобов, яблони, боярышника, примулы, вишни, огуречника, руты и т.п) цветы , но также сушеные и засахаренные.

Сушеная бузина.

"...собирай цветки во время, когда они полностью раскрылись и храни, пока не высохнут, затем истолки и [можешь] хранить целый год, и т.д."

24. Белая бузина 24. Suet blanc
Вот блюдо, именуется белой бузиной. Возьми цыплят и кур, ошпарь их, нарежь кусками и приготовь; когда приготовятся, загусти яичным желтком и миндальным молоком; затем возьми цветки бузины и с солью истолки в ступе, в рыбный день приготовь смесь с налимом или другой рыбой; собирай цветки во время, когда они полностью раскрылись и храни, пока не высохнут, затем истолки и [можешь] хранить целый год, и т.д.

B.L. MS. Add 32085
Англия/Франция, конец XIII в., 29 рецептов
Constance B. Hieatt; Robin F. Jones. Two Anglo-Norman Culinary Collections Edited from British Library
Manuscripts Additional 32085 and Royal 12.C.xii. Speculum, Vol. 61, No. 4. (Oct., 1986), pp. 859-882

15 0 ER 1.3629
Это трехтомник.

1. Tasting the Past: Recipes from Antiquity
2. Tasting the Past: Recipes from George III to Victoria
3.Tasting the Past: Recipes From the Second World War to the 1980s

Jacqui Wood

The many influences of the past on our diet today make the concept of "British food" very hard to define. The Celts, Romans, Saxons, Vikings, and Normans all brought ingredients to the table, as it were, and onwards the Crusades spread all manner of spices. The Georgians enjoyed a new level of excess, and then of course the world wars forced everyone into the challenge of making meals from very little. The post-war period brought convenience foods, and health issues which are being felt widely now. This is the first study of the rich history of British food, its fads and its fashions to be combined with a practical cookbook of over 200 recipes from each age for use today. Offerings include tasty beach BBQ ideas from Celtic times, a hearty Roman Army lentil stew, and ideas for festive feasts from every period.

Year: 2020
Edition: Reprint
Publisher: The History Press
Language: English
Pages: 240
ISBN 10: 0750994592
ISBN 13: 9780750994590

Edition: Second Edition,New
Publisher: The History Press
Language: English
Pages: 192
ISBN 10: 0750992239
ISBN 13: 9780750992237

Year: 2020
Publisher: Lightning Source Inc. (Tier 1)
Language: English
ISBN 10: 075099648X
ISBN 13: 9780750996488

39 0 ER 1.6868
Неувядающая классика - Теренс Скалли " Искусство кулинарии в Средние века" Спасибо донаторам.

36 3 ER 1.6474
Title: The Medieval and Early Modern Garden in Britain: Enclosure and Transformation, C. 1200-1750
Author(s): Patricia Skinner, Theresa Tyers
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2018

28 0 ER 1.4100