Статистика ВК сообщества "universal Place"


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The Andean cat is the rarest and most unexplored cat in the world. The first video frames of this type appeared only after 2000.

2 0 ER 0.0975
The cat noses were able to figure out that your day would be going well💭

6 0 ER 0.1026
Chic street art in Moscow.
Light is real, it is often burned by ordinary passers-by 💭

0 0 ER 0.0476
- Black cats are annoying!
- Trouble? It's strange: only people bring trouble to me, and cats - kindness and warmth💭

0 0 ER 0.0485
Well, such a dangerous beast should be kept only on a chain.
I see in my eyes - a fierce killer💭

7 0 ER 0.0975
Turkish image artist Hossein Diba created a 3D model of the GTA: Vice City cover girl.

Now I can die in peace💭

3 0 ER 0.0683
10 сказок для взрослых, с которыми забудешь про время💭

1. Нил Гейман, «Коралина»
2. Вальтер Моэрс, «Город Мечтающих Книг»
3. Чайна Мьевиль, «Рельсы»
4. Дино Буццати, «Загадка Старого Леса»
5. Роджер Желязны, «Ночь в одиноком октябре»
6. Терри Пратчетт, «Ведьмы за границей»
7. Далия Трускиновская, «Шайтан-звезда»
8. Эдит Патту, «Восток»
9. Юлия Зонис, «Хозяин зеркал»
10. Марк Хелприн, «Зимняя сказка»

1 0 ER 0.0487
The reason not to sleep until the morning looks like this:

1 0 ER 0.0486
This hamster broke his front leg and the owner took him to the veterinary clinic, where they put him in a cast.

Very cute 🥺🥺 🥺

1 0 ER 0.0478
A couple of travelers adopted a dog and a cat from a shelter, and now they travel everywhere together 💭

0 0 ER 0.0409