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23 июля в Российском этнографическом музее откроется выставка «В гармонии с красным: туркмены»
Разделы выставки освещают разные сферы культуры туркмен, что позволяет раскрыть специфику использования красного цвета в контексте детского и свадебного комплексов, убранства юрты и др. На выставке будут представлены знаменитые туркменские ковры и ковровые изделия – дверные занавесы, торбы и сумки, полосы для крепления юрты. Значительное место отведено костюмным комплексам и отдельным предметам одежды, среди которых находятся редкие и уникальные образцы XIX века.
Экспонаты выставки позволят показать богатейшую палитру оттенков красного цвета, которые варьировали от нежных бледно-розовых до пурпурно-фиолетовых, что достигалось в домашних условиях мастерским окрашиванием материала корнем марены. Среди покупных тканей особо ценилось красное сукно.
Туркменское собрание Российского этнографического музея уникально по своему содержанию, и часть его экспонатов будет показана впервые. Мы надеемся, что выставка будет интересна каждому посетителю, интересующемуся традиционным наследием многоликого Востока. Специалисты в области истории, этнографии, востоковедения смогут полнить свои знания о культуре туркмен, генезис которой таит еще много загадок. Дизайнеры, художники и модельеры при знакомстве с шедеврами туркменского декоративно-прикладного искусства, несомненно, получат новые впечатления, которые, возможно, вдохновят их на создание новых образов.
Выставку можно будет посетить до 2 сентября 2021 года.

1 0 ER 0.1482
#этнография@tmhistory #культура@tmhistory #монография@tmhistory

Растения и животные в легендах и верованиях туркмен. Серия «Этнография туркмен» / Демидов С.М. Вып. 1 / ред Н.А. Дубова, Р.Г. Мурадов. – М.: Старый сад, 2020 - 446 с.

Монография известного специалиста по этнографии туркменского народа Сергея Михайловича Демидова посвящена одному из аспектов религиозных представлений туркмен – месту и роли в них реальных и фантастических животных и растений. Помимо научных целей, автор ставил перед собой задачу привлечь внимание к теме не только специалистов, но и широкого круга читателей, интересующихся прошлым Туркменистана. Поэтому работа носит научно-популярный характер. Такого рода масштабная работа, в которой автор останавливается почти на ста представителях растительного и животного мира Туркменистана, издается впервые.

5 0 ER 0.1598
#история@tmhistory #монография@tmhistory

Adeeb Khalid

Central Asia: A New History from the Imperial Conquests to the Present

A major history of Central Asia and how it has been shaped by modern world events

Central Asia is often seen as a remote and inaccessible land on the peripheries of modern history. Encompassing Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and the Xinjiang province of China, it in fact stands at the crossroads of world events. Adeeb Khalid provides the first comprehensive history of Central Asia from the mid-eighteenth century to today, shedding light on the historical forces that have shaped the region under imperial and Communist rule.

Predominantly Muslim with both nomadic and settled populations, the peoples of Central Asia came under Russian and Chinese rule after the 1700s. Khalid shows how foreign conquest knit Central Asians into global exchanges of goods and ideas and forged greater connections to the wider world. He explores how the Qing and Tsarist empires dealt with ethnic heterogeneity, and compares Soviet and Chinese Communist attempts at managing national and cultural difference. He highlights the deep interconnections between the "Russian" and "Chinese" parts of Central Asia that endure to this day, and demonstrates how Xinjiang remains an integral part of Central Asia despite its fraught and traumatic relationship with contemporary China.

The essential history of one of the most diverse and culturally vibrant regions on the planet, this panoramic book reveals how Central Asia has been profoundly shaped by the forces of modernity, from colonialism and social revolution to nationalism, state-led modernization, and social engineering.

4 0 ER 0.1368
#история@tmhistory #монография@tmhistory

За прошедший год было опубликовано сразу 3-4 крупных пособия по исследованиям Центральной Азии. Мы уже публиковали книгу Адиба Халида, относяющуюся, скорее, к парадигме имперской истории.

В этом посте будут включены оставшиеся 3 монографии и их характеристика.

1. Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding / Edited by David W. Montgomery. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022. 783 p.

Central Asia is a diverse and complex region of the world often characterized in the West as being difficult to access. Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding offers the most comprehensive introduction to the region available. Combining thematic chapters with case studies, readers will learn to appreciate the interconnected aspects of life in Central Asia. These wide-ranging, easy-to-understand contributions from some of the leading scholars in the field provide the context needed to understand Central Asia and presents a launching-off point for further research.

Спасибо [club52136985|Исследования политических процессов на Востоке]

2. The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Central Asia.

The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Central Asia offers the first comprehensive, cross-disciplinary overview of key issues in Central Asian studies. The 30 chapters by leading and emerging scholars summarise major findings in the field and highlight long-term trends, recent observations and future developments in the region. The handbook features case studies of all five Central Asian republics and is organised thematically in seven sections:

• History

• Politics

• Geography

• International Relations

• Political Economy

• Society and Culture

• Religion

An essential cross-disciplinary reference work, the handbook offers an accessible and easyto- understand guide to the core issues permeating the region to enable readers to grasp the fundamental challenges, transformations and themes in contemporary Central Asia. It will be of interest to researchers, academics and students of the region and those working in the field of Area Studies, History, Anthropology, Politics and International Relations.

3. Jeroen Van Den Bosch, Adrien Fauve, B. J. De Cordier. The European Handbook of Central Asian Studies: History, Politics, and Societies.

This handbook is the first collection of comprehensive teaching materials for teachers and students of Central Asian Studies (CAS) with a strong pedagogic dimension. It presents 22 chapters, clustered around five themes, with contributions from more than 19 scholars, all leading experts in the field of CAS and Eurasian Studies. This collection is not only a reference work for scholars branching out to different disciplines of CAS but also for scholars from other disciplines broadening their scope to CAS. It addresses post-colonial frameworks and also untangles topics from their ‘Soviet’ reference frame. It aims to de-exoticize the region and draws parallels to European or to historically European-occupied territories. In each chapter, the handbook provides a concise but nuanced overview of the topics covered, in which way these have been approached by the mainstream literature, and points out pitfalls, myths, and new insights, providing background knowledge about Central Asia to readers and intertwine this with an advanced level of insight to leave the readers equipped with a strong foundation to approach more specialized sources either in classroom settings or by self-study. In addition, the book offers a comprehensive glossary, list of used abbreviations, overview of intended learning outcomes, and a smart index (distinguishing between names, locations, concepts, and events). A list of recorded lectures to be found on YouTube will accompany the handbook either as instruction materials for teachers or visual aids for students. Since the authors themselves recorded the lectures related to their own chapters, this provides the opportunity to engage in a more personalized way with the authors. This project is being developed in the framework of the EISCAS project (www.eiscas.eu), co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union.

5 0 ER 0.1365
#история@tmhistory #монография@tmhistory

The Bukharan Crisis
A Connected History of 18th Century Central Asia

By Scott Levi

In the first half of the eighteenth century, Central Asia’s Bukharan Khanate descended into a crisis from which it would not recover. Bukharans suffered failed harvests and famine, a severe fiscal downturn, invasions from the north and the south, rebellion, and then revolution. To date, efforts to identify the cause of this crisis have focused on the assumption that the region became isolated from early modern globalizing trends. The Bukharan Crisis exposes that explanation as a flawed relic of early Orientalist scholarship on the region.

In its place, Scott Levi identifies multiple causal factors that underpinned the Bukharan crisis. Some of these were interrelated and some independent, some unfolded over long periods while others shocked the region more abruptly, but they all converged in the early eighteenth century to the detriment of the Bukharan Khanate and those dependent upon it. Levi applies an integrative framework of analysis that repositions Central Asia in recent scholarship on multiple themes in early modern Eurasian and world history

1 1 ER 0.0913
#история@tmhistory #монография@tmhistory

Polymaths of Islam

Power and Networks of Knowledge in Central Asia


Polymaths of Islam analyzes the social and intellectual power of religious leaders who created a shared culture that integrated Central Asia, Iran, and India from the mid-eighteenth century through the early twentieth.

James Pickett demonstrates that Islamic scholars were simultaneously mystics and administrators, judges and occultists, physicians and poets. This integrated understanding of the world of Islamic scholarship unlocks a different way of thinking about transregional exchange networks. Pickett reveals a Persian-language cultural sphere that transcended state boundaries and integrated a spectacularly vibrant Eurasia that is invisible from published sources alone.

Through a high cultural complex that he terms the "Persian cosmopolis" or "Persianate sphere," Pickett argues that an intersection of diverse disciplines shaped geographical trajectories across and between political states. In Polymaths of Islam he paints a comprehensive, colorful, and often contradictory portrait of mosque and state in the age of empire.

2 0 ER 0.0799
#история@tmhistory #монография@tmhistory

Alexander Morrison
The Russian Conquest of Central Asia: A Study in Imperial Expansion, 1814–1914

The Russian conquest of Central Asia was perhaps the nineteenth century's most dramatic and successful example of European imperial expansion, adding 1.5 million square miles and at least 6 million people - most of them Muslims - to the Tsar's domains. Alexander Morrison provides the first comprehensive military and diplomatic history of the conquest to be published for over a hundred years. From the earliest conflicts on the steppe frontier in the 1830s to the annexation of the Pamirs in the early 1900s, he gives a detailed account of the logistics and operational history of Russian wars against Khoqand, Bukhara and Khiva, the capture of Tashkent and Samarkand, and the bloody subjection of the Turkmen, as well as Russian diplomatic relations with China, Persia and the British Empire. Based on archival research in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia and India, memoirs and Islamic chronicles, this book explains how Russia conquered a colonial empire in Central Asia, with consequences that still resonate today.

2 0 ER 0.0685
#история@tmhistory #монография@tmhistory

The Central Asian Revolt of 1916
A collapsing empire in the age of war and revolution

Edited by Alexander Morrison, Cloé Drieu and Aminat Chokobaeva

The 1916 Revolt was a key event in the history of Central Asia, and of the Russian Empire in the First World War. This volume is the first comprehensive re-assessment of its causes, course and consequences in English for over sixty years. It draws together a new generation of leading historians from North America, Japan, Europe, Russia and Central Asia, working with Russian archival sources, oral narratives, poetry and song in Kazakh and Kyrgyz. These illuminate in unprecedented detail the origins and causes of the revolt, and the immense human suffering which it entailed. They also situate the revolt in a global perspective as part of a chain of rebellions and disturbances that shook the world's empires, as they crumbled under the pressures of total war.

2 0 ER 0.0685
#история@tmhistory #монография@tmhistory

The Central Asian Revolt of 1916
A collapsing empire in the age of war and revolution

Edited by Alexander Morrison, Cloé Drieu and Aminat Chokobaeva

The 1916 Revolt was a key event in the history of Central Asia, and of the Russian Empire in the First World War. This volume is the first comprehensive re-assessment of its causes, course and consequences in English for over sixty years. It draws together a new generation of leading historians from North America, Japan, Europe, Russia and Central Asia, working with Russian archival sources, oral narratives, poetry and song in Kazakh and Kyrgyz. These illuminate in unprecedented detail the origins and causes of the revolt, and the immense human suffering which it entailed. They also situate the revolt in a global perspective as part of a chain of rebellions and disturbances that shook the world's empires, as they crumbled under the pressures of total war.

0 0 ER 0.0343