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#RiseOfTheGuardians #JackFrost
Из инстаграма Уильяма Джойса:
"I have many hopeful plans for Jack Frost. This is Jack during the period when he first gained the ability to change his age. Here he is in 1910 painted in the style of the great illustrator JC Leyendecker. He has aged himself into his late teens and is on a picnic with his friends the dancer Isadora Duncan, and writers Oscar Wilde and Rudyard Kipling. Progress in convincing Dreamworks to do further animated adventures of the Guardians and Jack seems stalled. Nevertheless I will continue making stories about Jack. I love his adventures. In his novel “Jack Frost: The End is the Beginning” I imply that he has many romances ad flirtations. And he makes some extraordinary friends such as Screevlick Shadowbent, the King of the Transylvanian Werewolves. By the end of the novel he has found his great love and an adopted family. But Jack’s story will always be one with many twists and turns. And one way or another there will someday be more cinema adventures for him."

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