Статистика ВК сообщества "LORN"

composer, visual & recording artist

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Лучшие посты

Релиз долгожданного альбома PERIPHERY состоится 8 сентября!


30 10 ER 2.5843
#LORN from Instagram:

"2 new tracks dropping tomorrow eve come through and come true"

18 5 ER 1.6566
#LORN from Instagram:

«working on a new tape w Dolor»

3 2 ER 0.8019
#LORN from YouTube:

"welcome back

recording a dave smith instruments OB-6 that'll be mixed faaaarrrr in the background, somewhere near sunset. i enjoy creating these histories for each track.. the shapes in the distance.. an old memory, maybe . thanks for being part of them.

— the lil keety is Myra. she's about the size of a loaf of bread.

lots of slow lately, eh ?
next week we'll turn up the heat.


11 3 ER 0.9156
Прошлой ночью прошла прямая трансляция трибьюта, который организовали участники фан-комьюнити в Discord.

В нем также поучаствовали и члены нашего сообщества [id29526615|Влад] и [club162028027|bzbtz].



14 14 ER 1.0418
#LORN from YouTube:

"reamping some vocals and instruments from another upcoming track through a fender guitar amp. got 2 get that air moving every now and again.


headed out of the studio for a bit so i will see u the week after next
thanks for the love & support


15 12 ER 1.0081
Новый трейлер хоррора ILL.

Напомним, что Маркос напишет саундтрек для игры.


23 5 ER 0.9738
#LORN from Reddit:

“hi fam,

sorry to inform you that i need to push the release of PERIPHERY a bit farther away as it’s now clear that the physical side won’t be aligning on time. you hate to see it, but i’ve put so much into this record - same with my skeleton krew and the amazing visual artists involved - and i won't let it all unravel at the end into another drip feed.

after weighing all options i’ve opted to move vinyl production and distribution over to a bandcamp campaign, which fortunately means that anyone interested in picking up the vinyl package has a much more streamlined process, direct access to the master quality digital version, fast support if need be and high quality vinyl from pirates press / gz featuring art from GERIKO, the masters behind the ANVIL music video. in consideration of the outrageous costs associated with global shipping and import fees on music i’ll be setting the pledge low to help out the whole team. new merch, however, will be available through my existing ambient inks page as it’s just not doable out of my small studio.

thank you for hanging in there w me. i’ve been working on this project for many trying years now so to have it all finally come together piece by piece is pretty surreal. i will drop the direct links as soon as all of the moving parts are absolutely locked. hang tight and thanks for your patience and support. we’re nearly there.

much love, lorner”

7 12 ER 0.8763
#LORN from YouTube:

"this week i'm working on a new burner called YESTERDAY'S PAIN
here's some OUT OF THE FRA.ME during brainstorming, writing and recording of an oberheim two voice pro, talkbox, prophet 10 recorded with a tascam 22-2

the cat's name is munchie, what is yours ?

see you next time


12 5 ER 0.7996