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And here’s the final song from the final kitchen disco. It's been amazing having you guys over. So long, farewell (but really - see you soon and you know where we are if you need a kitchen disco again one day 😘) xxxx

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Here’s another clip from one of our favourite festival gigs, Isle of Wight. Check out the crowd! Watch to the end to see them nailing the jumping at the end of Heartbreak. Awesome!

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And here’s the final live video from Isle of Wight where I sang one of my favourite covers from the kitchen discos, Like a Prayer. Every cover I chose during the lockdown discos was a love letter to someone and this one is now my love letter to all the crowds I sing for. I’m so happy to be reunited.. plus this is definitely one of the best pop songs ever written. Xxx

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I’ve just finally got to bed but I’m crying again because the total donations are now £1,009,137 - and they keep coming in. To everyone who has donated, messaged, watched - even for a tiny bit - or supported in ANY way, you have given me what I needed to get through this. Fun, tough, extraordinary…. All the above but mainly super special and I know what that money means to Children In Need ❤ I’m going to have a little kip now but from me and my aching bones THANK YOU xxxx

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Donate and support the BBC Children in Need #R2KitchenDisco here:
Sophie HQ x

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