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Подборка познавательной литературы на английском языке👇🏻

954 8 ER 1.0222
Learn Hot English - Issue 236, January 2022

Overview: Are you learning English? Or are you an English teacher? Either way… if you're looking for a fun and interesting English magazine for learning or teaching English then you've come to the right place. Hot English magazine is a leading English resource. Its fun and colourful approach to teaching real English as it's spoken by native speakers is popular around the world. Loved by both students and teachers, there's something for everyone and all levels in Hot English magazine.

374 0 ER 0.5479
Fluent English Perfect Natural Speech, Sharpen Your Grammar, Master Idiomatic Expressions, Speak Fluently by Barbara Raifsnider

Данная книга фокусируется на самом главном - идиоматических выражениях, фразовых глаголах, практическом расширении словарного запаса и использовании грамматики в контексте

631 0 ER 0.6958
Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English by Diana Lea

Это совершенно новый тип словаря, который поможет студентам писать и говорить на естественном английском языке.

523 8 ER 0.6610

Отличные руководства с понятным объяснением основных концепций и крутыми иллюстрациями. Для тех, кто хочет попроще, добавили издание с комиксами и для детей :)

👉🏻 Biological Science (Freeman) 7 ed (2020)
👉🏻 Biology (Raven) 12 ed (2020)
👉🏻 Biology (Stiling) 15 ed (2020)
👉🏻 Campbell Biology Concepts and Connections (Taylor) 10 ed (2022)
👉🏻 Campbell Essential Biology (Campbell) 7 ed (2019)
👉🏻 SuperSimple Biology The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide (DK) 1 ed (2020)
👉🏻 The Cartoon Guide to Biology (Gonick) 1 ed (2019)

455 2 ER 0.5398
The Crime Book by DK

Руководство по криминологии, исследующее самые печально известные случаи всех времен, от серийных убийц до массовых убийств.

390 0 ER 0.4880
James W. Williams - How to Read People like a Book

Are we really capable of knowing what’s inside other people’s minds, what they’re feeling, or what their plans are?

The answer is YES — and it’s easier than you think! Keep reading to learn how to quickly and accurately learn everything about the people you meet.

How to Read People Like a Book is a compelling read that teaches you everything you need to learn about reading other people’s body language, learning their motivations, and uncovering their true intentions so you can foster deeper, more authentic relationships — anytime, anywhere!

398 3 ER 0.5118
Business English Language Practice

Авторы: Susan Lowe, Louise Pile
Издательство: Non Basic Stock Line

Интересное пособие по деловому английскому уровня A2 - B1 с упражнениями, главная цель которого - помочь учащимся эффективно и быстро развить грамматический навык и обогатить словарный запас. Business English Language Practice можно использовать в занятиях в группе или индивидуально. В конце учебника предоставлены ключи к упражнениям.

This book aims to help learners of business English to develop the vocabulary and grammar needed to participate in business effectively.
The content and examples are up-to-date and very relevant to anyone working or planning to work internationally.
The book is designed for students at pre-intermediate or intermediate level of English and can be used in class or for self-study.

399 1 ER 0.5081
All About History - Book of Greek Mythology 7th Edition, 2022

Overview: Ancient Greek myths and legends have been told through the written word on the pages of great books, poems, plays and film scripts, the imagery on pottery, artists’ canvasses and sculptures and even through spoken word throughout history. The tales that have captivated many a mind have served as great moral triumphs and lessons and have highlighted the many pitfalls, imperfections and crucial mistakes of the infamous gods, goddesses and heroes of whom they are based upon.

The Book of Greek Mythology will explore the origins of mythology in Ancient Greece and how the belief systems in Greece shaped their society into one of the greatest empires in history.

415 6 ER 0.4806
The Economics Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained) by D

Книга по экономике - от Аристотеля и Фомы Аквинского до Адама Смита и Джона Мейнарда Кейнса

340 0 ER 0.4445