Статистика ВК сообщества "9Cute"


Графики роста подписчиков

Лучшие посты

When you're forced to socialize and listen to people's problems.

751 6 ER 1.8187
If You Can't Hide A Crime Scene, Just Pretend You Are A Victim

503 7 ER 1.5349
"Last Christmas, i gave you my hearttttttttttt....."

483 11 ER 1.3741
Print this out and build this. Post it in the comments

620 37 ER 1.4824
Hopefully, all of you have the warmth throughout this winter

228 4 ER 0.9372
Mommy, open the door! I bring my buddy home for dinner

275 0 ER 0.9389
Please read ALL directions before assembling your cat

202 2 ER 0.8529
When your mom calls you down for dinner but it's not ready yet

670 1 ER 1.2943
Four brothers separated by the Berlin wall have a secret conversation (1979)1979

197 2 ER 0.8101
Мой питомец: спит, ест, существует
Я: мне срочно нужен твой портрет!

Ни слова больше: vk.me/podarok.monro?ref=ks2

9 2 ER 0.0257