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do you think a depressed person could make this?

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this was over my town this morning, and i think it’s l here to finally kill me

757 0 ER 5.5708
I fucking hate James Tissot’s paintings because in ALL OF THEM there is ALWAYS someone staring right at you, but it’s not always immediately visible. You just feel watched by this mf. Sometimes the little shit is right there at the centre, but others the bastard is just gazing from the distance, it is CREEPY, my guys

263 3 ER 2.5729
never watched a single tom hardy project but i stan him bc of these two images

321 6 ER 2.4940
This picture from Syria protesting war in Ukraine actually made me tear up.

Abandoned by the world, destroyed and still having enough compassion to think about others.

78 1 ER 1.8226
yr locked in a room alone with three adult men but you feel perfectly safe. who are they

274 13 ER 2.3291
do you ever see spoilers for a show you don’t watch anymore and just

72 9 ER 1.7771
they took down lofi girl for falsely reported copyright strikes, which means the livestream ended and we can see how many people ever tuned in + how long it was streaming

114 3 ER 1.8466
katniss in book 3: my childrens playground is built on dead bodies and bones, i never wanted children but peeta convinced me, i will never heal from what happened to me. the end

me reading that shit at 15:

148 4 ER 1.8958
my neighbor thought i fucking DIED because he heard a loud crash (easel & canvas fell over while i was asleep) and had been trying to contact me for like an hour
anyway artistic rendition of when i opened my door

60 2 ER 1.6781
Emma Watson interviews Rebecca Solnit for Our Shared Shelf

108 0 ER 1.7804