Статистика ВК сообщества "New Order"

On a thousand islands in the sea/I see a thousand people just like me/A hundred unions in the snow/I watch them walking, falling in a row...
Количество постов 1 379
Частота постов 226 часов 50 минут
ER 84.23
77.36% 22.64%
20.45% подписчиков от 27 до 30
75.41% 1.64%
Нет на рекламных биржах

Графики роста подписчиков

Лучшие посты

You may think that I'm out of hand
That I'm naive, I'll understand
On this occasion it's not true
Look at me, I'm not you

4 0 ER 0.9529
Some things for your drinking and listening pleasure, ladies and gents. (Part one).

13 5 ER 1.0273
...I think you are a pig
You should be in a zoo...

2 0 ER 0.6030
New Order - World In Motion (Official Music Video) [HD Upgrade]

0 0 ER 0.2067