Статистика ВК сообщества "Русские Няшки"

Количество постов 793
Частота постов 1 час 45 минут
ER 8.22
90.52% 9.48%
22.26% подписчиков от 30 до 45
61.95% 16.56% 2.79% 2.46%

Графики роста подписчиков

Лучшие посты

Hot Yoga and Contortion flexibility Total Body Stretch Flexibility Exercises

9 7 ER 0.0644
Middle Splits and Oversplits Stretching Legs Yoga and Flexibillity

17 10 ER 0.0679
STRETCH LEGS Leg flexibility Splits and Oversplits Gymnastics Contortion Yoga

13 4 ER 0.0595
Contortion Training Super Splits and Oversplits for Yoga

9 6 ER 0.0550
Splits and Oversplits - Yoga stretch - Gymnastics for Flexibility - Stretching time

3 2 ER 0.0486
Hot Yoga and CONTORTION, flexibility, Total Body Stretch - Flexibility Exercises

9 6 ER 0.0502
Removes All Negative Energy - Real Time - Yoga Workout by Mirra

3 2 ER 0.0264
Yoga stretching. flexible yoga . splits stretching. Gymnastics and contortion challenge.

2 2 ER 0.0254
Your Daily Energy and Power by Mirra contortion yoga

6 5 ER 0.0232
Handstand training with butterfly exercise Stretching Gymnastics Flexibility Contortion

2 0 ER 0.0187