Статистика ВК сообщества "sc"


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Лучшие посты

«aimer, c’est agir» — «любить — значит действовать».

10 0 ER 0.6854
let’s talk about greek mythology and conspiracy theories while you play with my hair

4 0 ER 0.3689
i want to lay in a lot of tall grass where no one can see me and i can stare at the sky in peace

5 1 ER 0.3269
truly the healing powers of sitting in front of an open window

3 0 ER 0.2842
- katrin koenning
from her glow series, 2012-2015.

glow is a body of work focused on things that have assumed a short-lived or unexpected state of glow (things which, by nature, don’t glow).

0 0 ER 0.2426
j'aime mars pour sa lumière, pour toutes les choses que je peux y faire

0 0 ER 0.0317