Статистика ВК сообщества "ROAD TRAINS | AUSTRALIAN TRUCKS"


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Some MACK Road Trains from the Northern Territory, Australia.

29 16 ER 4.8996
McGuffie Wagin Transport, Western Australia. Kenworth T659.

10 1 ER 2.9186
Blenners Transport of Queensland Australia, Kenworth T659 Diamond Edition. I saw this truck go through my town today.

9 0 ER 2.6466
Mack R-600 Coolpower from 1981 Mad Max
"The Vermin have inherited the Earth"

9 4 ER 2.7612
Конвой из четырёх грузовиков со списанными вертолетами Black Hawk. Австралия. 18 августа 2022.

14 2 ER 2.4624
Kenworth C509 owned by Pratt Cattle Transport from Queensland Australia.

8 0 ER 2.3075
Tanami Transport from the Northern Territory, Australia.

8 3 ER 2.0780
Bland Dairies of Victoria Australia. Kenworth T608. Photographed by my wife.

4 0 ER 2.1490
Rod Moore Transport, Kenworth C501 Brute. This truck lives around the corner from me.

5 1 ER 2.0010