Статистика ВК сообщества "English with Kris Amerikos"

If you find the time to study English every day, you will definitely see results – and results will change your life.
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Частота постов 186 часов 22 минуты
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Друзья, Happy Easter! Как насчёт подкрепиться «яичными» идиомами? 😗

AN EGGHEAD — тот, кто постоянно и много думает. Интеллектуал.
• In spite of her love of reading she denied being an egghead — Несмотря на свою любовь к чтению, она не считала себя интеллектуалом.

A NEST EGG — заначка, сбережения.
• He paid for the computer out of his nest egg — Он заплатил за этот компьютер из своей заначки.

A GOOD EGG — молодчина, просто славный малый.
• This one's a good egg, without a doubt — Вот он — хороший парень, вне всяких сомнений.

HAVE EGG ON ONE'S FACE — засмущаться, почувствовать стыд или опозориться.
• She certainly had egg on her face but we still had a good party — Она точно оплошала, но вечеринка всё же удалась.

CAN'T BOIL AN EGG — «даже яйцо не может сварить» = повар-неумеха.
• Don't tell me you're going to cook dinner. You can't even boil an egg! — Ты что, хочешь приготовить ужин? Ты даже яйцо не в состоянии сварить!

Уже сохранили? EGGcellent 🥚

13 0 ER 0.6285
We are beginning our SPEAKING CLUB meetings here. The first one will be on Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 8 PM (20:00) Moscow time.
It will be live in this group and you can join too.
Write a comment if you are coming to the speaking club!

3 11 ER 0.3221
Our next SPEAKING CLUB will be on on Thursday, April 21, 2022, at 8 PM (20:00) Moscow time. It will be live in this group and you can join too.
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0 4 ER 0.1678
Our next SPEAKING CLUB will be on on Thursday, May 19, 2022, at 8 PM (20:00) Moscow time. It will be live in this group and you can join too.
Write a comment if you are coming to the speaking club!

1 0 ER 0.1034
Sorry, I think I will not be able to conduct the speaking club today.

0 1 ER 0.0906
Our next SPEAKING CLUB will be on on Thursday, May 12, 2022, at 8 PM (20:00) Moscow time. It will be live in this group and you can join too.
Write a comment if you are coming to the speaking club!

0 2 ER 0.0905
Our next SPEAKING CLUB will be on on Thursday, April 14, 2022, at 8 PM (20:00) Moscow time. It will be live in this group and you can join too.
Write a comment if you are coming to the speaking club!

0 0 ER 0.0644
Our next SPEAKING CLUB will be on on Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 8 PM (20:00) Moscow time. It will be live in this group and you can join too.
Write a comment if you are coming to the speaking club!

1 0 ER 0.0648
Our next SPEAKING CLUB will be on on Thursday, June 30, 2022, at 8 PM (20:00) Moscow time. It will be live in this group and you can join too.
Write a comment if you are coming to the speaking club!

0 1 ER 0.0648
Our next SPEAKING CLUB will be on on Thursday, June 2, 2022, at 8 PM (20:00) Moscow time. It will be live in this group and you can join too.
Write a comment if you are coming to the speaking club!

1 3 ER 0.0906