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С Днём Рождения, [id245607265|Александр Рыбак]! #сднемрожденияалександррыбак #happybirthdayalexanderrybak

3 9 ER 0.9593
С Рождеством Христовым, друзья! ❤️ Пусть крепнет вера и любовь! 🌟 Today is #orthodox #christmas, and #Norway is still full of #christmas #lights 🙏🏼🥰

8 2 ER 0.6563
Сегодня ещё одна памятная дата в майском календаре!

Мы поздравляем с днём рождения человека очень важного человека в жизни нашего Саши - его МАМУ, Наталью Валентиновну!!!


6 1 ER 0.5709
Отметим ещё одну дату в майском календаре - 16.05.2009-16.05.2022 - 13-летие Триумфальной Победы Александра на конкурсе Евровидение-2009 в Москве!

3 6 ER 0.4921
Alex: I’m sorry that I don’t post much these days. Last week I got the flu 🤒 and I think I will be sick for a few more days (as you can see). 🤕 But I’m working on school stuff and also planning the new song, which will be released may 6th. ⭐

0 3 ER 0.3045
For my birthday I wish two things:
1. Stop hurting each other (I know it’s naive, but it’s 2021 and honestly how long do people in Middle East have to suffer before ignorance is broken?!?!)
2. And on a more personal level, I wish for all of you to use my song “Magic” to make happy videos for Tiktok and YouTube. As a contrast to war and hate, one shouldn’t forget about peace and love.
That is all. 🌹
Короче, хватит воевать. И обрадуйте меня на мой ДЕНЬ РОЖДЕНИЯ; сделайте видосы для тиктока с моей песней «Magic”🙏🏼⭐️ договорились? Ну, я рад. #peace #music #мир #музыка

4 2 ER 0.3328
Продолжаем майский календарь!

Сегодня поздравления С Днём Рождения летят в адрес Игоря Александровича, ПАПЫ Саши!


0 5 ER 0.2952
Alex: “Memories” 💐 I have a NEW song for you, finally. Thanks for waiting, you know how busy my graduate studies are 🙈 But I really wanted to give you a hint of nostalgia this time, and I really really hope you like “Memories” when it’s released this Friday.❤️ My biggest wish is that you keep sharing my music to your friends, like you always do. You’re the best fans in the world, honestly.🎻 #memories #newmusic #violin #fairytale #eurovision

1 1 ER 0.2558
You see that island behind me? It’s a peninsula called Nesodden, and it’s the most peaceful place on earth.☀️ At first I was super sad that I had to do the first college semester online, but now I’m super happy I got the time to explore my childhood paradise for a whole year while studying at Columbia College.🍀 And I get to be with my loving parents. A lot. 😅 #begrateful #blessed #student

1 2 ER 0.2449