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Лучшие детские книги на английском языке для Вас. Добро пожаловать!
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Яркие двусторонние флэшкарточки для отработки с детьми чтения и написания слов с сочетаниями букв sh, ch, th, ck, ph, ee, ea, oo, igh.

Для более эффективной работы с карточками можно задействовать несколько каналов восприятия, используя сразу 3 вида ассоциаций:

🖼 картинка
🎤 звук
👌🏻 жест или движение

На другой стороне карточек написаны слова для тренировки чтения, а также подобраны картинки, которые можно соединить с подходящими словами.
Автор иллюстраций - Дина Ким.

Для скачивания доступны карточки в формате а4 и а6, в цветном варианте и для раскрашивания, а также презентация к карточкам.

Другие книги по обучению чтению: #обучениечтению@books_for_kids

706 8 ER 3.1914
Книга Tell Me A Story: 250 Great Books For Kids от Grace Sandford

This time saving guide recommends 50 great books for each of five age groups, from babies right up to early teens; books that will educate, entertain and inspire.

#txtbook@books_for_kids pdf, epub

409 1 ER 1.8954
Книга The Missing Tooth из серии Read-It! Readers от Susan Blackaby, Ryan Haugen
Purple level (1)
Age Range: 4-9

Kim has a bad morning when she wakes up late and loses a tooth, but the next morning she feels much better.

Другие книги про зубы: #tooth@books_for_kids

#txtbook@books_for_kids pdf

365 4 ER 1.7433
Чудесные книжки про self-regulation от Michael Gordon, Max Larin:
- When I Feel Frustrated
- When I Am Angry
Age Range: 2-6

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336 0 ER 1.6177
Книги Over and Under the Rainforest, Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt от Kate Messner, Christopher Neal
Age Range: 5-8

An entertaining and educational look at the beauty the ecosystem has to offer. Stunning illustrations paired with an easy-to-follow storyline make this a great read for any early elementary school student

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298 0 ER 1.4856
Книга The Dictionary of Difficult Words With more than 400 perplexing words to test your wits от Jane Solomon, Louise Lockhart
Age Range: 4-9

Find out all this and more in the Dictionary of Difficult Words. Test your knowledge with more than 400 words to amaze, confuse and inspire budding wordsmiths (and adults). All of the words featured in this book are difficult to spell, hard to say and their meaning is obscure to most children (and most adults!) Written with simple, easy-to-understand definitions by lexicographer Jane Solomon, this dictionary celebrates the beauty of the English language for family trivia time spent around the printed page.

Другие словари:

#txtbook@books_for_kids pdf

305 4 ER 1.4580
Книга Are You What You Eat: A Guide To What's On Your Place And Why! (DK)

Help your child better understand how food fuels and effects our bodies in a book that uses color and fun presentation to communicate nutritional information in a fun and eye-catching way. Kids learn to see their food as more than just taste, learning things like which foods will make you sleepy, how to tell if you're hungry or full, and why our bodies need nutrition.

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317 0 ER 1.4810
Книга The Color Monster: a story about emotions от Anna Llenas
Age Range: 2-5

One day, Color Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad, and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through color. As this adorable monster learns to sort and define his mixed up emotions, he gains self-awareness and peace as a result. Everyone will enjoy sharing this concept book that taps into both socio-emotional growth and color concepts in a simple, friendly way.

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290 2 ER 1.4273
Книга The Magic and Mystery of Trees от Jen Green
Age Range: 7-9

Did you know that trees take care of each other and that the whole forest is connected? The Magic and Mystery of Trees takes children on a fascinating journey of exploration, showing them just how special these mighty organisms are. Discover how they communicate and warn each other of predators, how they nurture their networks, record the past, and anticipate the future to ensure their survival.

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282 2 ER 1.4125
Книга The 100 Best Brain Teasers for Kids: A Mind-Blowing Challenge of Wordplay, Math, and Logic Puzzles Burst
Age Range: 8-12

You'll follow Ace the alien wizard and their trusty cat Panther as you tackle puzzles and riddles that test your knowledge of wordplay, logic, and math. Will you rescue the Beloved Crystal from the mischievous Flarkspurians and bring peace to Witloo? The quest is yours to complete!

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288 0 ER 1.3629